00:22:52 Carmen Naranjo: hello 00:23:01 Marisa: Hi everyone! 00:23:02 Invisible Joe: Welcome back! 00:23:09 Marie Malloy: hi 00:23:12 Sarah Ryan: Hello! Good to see you! 00:23:16 Stephanie Dralans: Hi everyone 00:23:16 Christelle Den Hertog: i have downloaded some apps, but are they also available in dutch? 00:23:16 Sandy van der Gun: Hi 00:23:21 Jacqueline Gerue: Hello from Jackie and nene bird! 00:23:25 Karen Chrisman: Hi Everyone 00:23:29 Sandy van der Gun: Replying to "i have downloaded so…" Would like to know this too! 00:23:45 Sandy van der Gun: A few notes on the recommendations: - touch & feel I love you - Links to the duck book - Kids draw app - not up to date for current IOS - piano music app - does not fit correctly on IpadPro screen (can’t reach all the buttons that way) and a lot of adds - None available in our language, but I suppose that was to be expected. (If anyone knows any good Dutch apps for those in The Netherlands I’d live to hear it) 00:23:46 robin miller: good to be here today, sorry I missed yesterday 00:23:52 Bonnie Rosenthal: Gabriel now stands on his Echo Show 00:23:56 Janine La Luz: That’s what headphones are for! 00:24:01 Abi Dunn: Hello! My baby is calming down when I stick my hand in the cage slowly but surely! Still so nervous about getting bit tho 😅 00:24:07 Megan Wolf: I’m going to be driving for some of this so I can’t poll or type but I’m listening! 00:24:13 Ana Odom: We call her the "A" lady lol 00:24:15 Laura Tegart: Hello from Milo and I. 00:24:17 Gini Casasco: Hi Gini & Spencer 20 yr old CAG 00:24:21 Betsy Lancefield Lane: Hello from cold Corvallis! 00:24:27 tori brook: Reacted to "Hello! My baby is ca..." with ❤️ 00:24:30 Brad Hardman: hi everyone 00:24:31 Grace Innemee: Replying to "i have downloaded so..." Hi Dutchies!!! All the apps I used were in English but most can be used for Dutch birds too 🙂 00:24:32 Tina Prehogan: Hi. How do i see yday lesson? 00:24:36 Elaine Venditti: Hi everyone! 00:24:37 tori brook: Reacted to "We call her the "A" ..." with 😄 00:24:41 Alice McNulty: What is the meeting ID so I cN join on my laptop? 00:24:42 Anne Mahler: made it here, got time wrong yesterday, thought it was in the morning turns out it was in the evening :-D Hi from Denmark 00:24:51 Ashly Canute: Hello From me and Pickles the Hahns 00:24:51 Betsy Lancefield Lane: Hi all my PetKG Peeps! xoxox 00:24:58 Agaphen Hambidge: Lucretzia the house chicken says hello! 00:24:58 Karen Chrisman: I practiced getting my parakeet to sit with me as long as I could today. 00:25:00 tori brook: Reacted to "made it here, got ti..." with 👋 00:25:02 Sarah Ryan: Replying to "Hello from Milo and ..." And from My Milo to you!! 00:25:09 Marisa: When I give treats sometimes my gcc flys back to her cage or to my partner to eat it 😂 00:25:14 tori brook: Reacted to "I practiced getting ..." with 👍 00:25:16 Tiffany Hartsell: Rudy is her with his grey gf Diamond 00:25:18 Christelle Den Hertog: Replying to "i have downloaded so..." i remember your name, from last time palooza 00:25:23 Sandy van der Gun: Replying to "i have downloaded so…" Our learner is not multilingual. For the animals and numbers they talk in english 00:25:27 Sonia Hamilton: the Instagram algorithm :v 00:25:30 Grace Innemee: Replying to "A few notes on the r..." There are many piano apps or xylophone apps. It’s a bit looking what works best for your devices and birds 🙂 00:25:43 Grace Innemee: Reacted to "Gabriel now stands o..." with ❤️ 00:25:54 Tiffany Hartsell: Found you and Ellie on TT 00:25:56 Bonnie Rosenthal: PK not on there 00:25:57 Heather Huggins: I found you randomly on insta because I love bird accounts and im so glad I did! 00:25:58 Grace Innemee: Replying to "good to be here toda..." No worries! There is always the replay! Glad you could make it today 🙂 00:26:03 Brad Hardman: Honestly I'm not sure how my spouse first found out about all this. 00:26:09 Grace Innemee: Reacted to "Hello! My baby is ca..." with ❤️ 00:26:11 Trede Dreyowolfe: Omen says hello 00:26:16 Jessica Dean: Email, but I accidentally chose Facebook 00:26:16 Marita’s iPad: I saw you online 00:26:17 tori brook: Reacted to "Omen says hello" with 👋 00:26:19 Grace Innemee: Replying to "I’m going to be driv..." No problem! Drive safely! 00:26:26 Tiffany Hartsell: Rudy loves to watch other birds on TT 00:26:32 Sandy van der Gun: Replying to "A few notes on the r…" Yeah I’ll have to look, but I wanted to give the notes so any mistakes or updates can be done 00:26:34 Abi Dunn: Can’t find the poll, but cults to consciousness! 00:26:36 Marie Malloy: FB reels 00:26:43 Debbie McClelland: Could not see poll - facebook and training forums 00:26:48 dominique soileau: Oh! And a podcast you were on, C to C 00:26:49 Grace Innemee: Replying to "Hello from cold Corv..." Waves from cold and rainy Netherlands...yuk! 00:26:50 Aria Walker: We did some practicing with getting treats while looking at the tablet and getting close to touching the long spoon. 00:26:57 gabrielle norris: I started preference training with my parakeet yesterday! his pick was surprisingly bee pollen. 00:26:57 tori brook: Reacted to "We did some practici..." with ❤️ 00:27:17 Grace Innemee: Replying to "What is the meeting ..." 868 3563 7187 00:27:17 Tari Voydanoff: Replying to "Could not see poll -…" I’m on an iPad and I had to click on more and find the poll there. 00:27:29 tori brook: Reacted to "I started preference..." with 😯 00:27:45 Grace Innemee: Replying to "made it here, got ti..." Hello Europe peeps!! Waves from the Netherlands 🙂 00:27:57 Karen Chrisman: I can only pick one. Need to be able to pick more 00:27:59 Debbie McClelland: Also fish 00:28:00 Robin Marlin: I would have clicked "My bird wanted me to be here, but we can only click one. 😊 00:28:04 Christelle Den Hertog: when i tell my friends about what you can learn animals, and about your method, they have never heard of it 00:28:04 Grace Innemee: Reacted to "When I give treats s..." with 😂 00:28:15 Tord Olsson: Hi from Sweden 00:28:16 Debbie McClelland: fish and monitor lizard 00:28:19 Betsy Lancefield Lane: Reacted to "when i tell my frien..." with 👍 00:28:21 tori brook: Reacted to "Hi from Sweden" with 👋 00:28:26 Stephanie Dralans: I have pacman frogs 00:28:27 Cindy Thompson: I learned that my conure likes picture books😊 00:28:32 Chris Glatz: Reacted to "I have pacman frogs " with ❤️ 00:28:34 Grace Innemee: Reacted to "Yeah I’ll have to lo..." with 👍 00:28:35 tori brook: Reacted to "I learned that my co..." with ❤️ 00:28:50 Anne Mahler: Replying to "made it here, got ti..." 🥰 00:28:59 Grace Innemee: Reacted to "I’m on an iPad and I..." with ❤️ 00:29:00 Carmen Naranjo: my bird is not doing what he has already learned 00:29:05 Invisible Joe: https://palooza.parrotkindergarten.com 00:29:09 Betsy Lancefield Lane: Thank you for doing it, Invisible Joe! 00:29:22 Grace Innemee: Replying to "I can only pick one...." No worries, it will not be published in a scientific journal ;) It’s just for fun <3 00:29:28 Grace Innemee: Reacted to "Also fish" with ❤️ 00:29:33 Grace Innemee: Reacted to "I would have clicked..." with ❤️ 00:29:39 Sharon Inglis: I have 2 quaker parrots. One is very eager the other very cautious and easily spooked 00:29:44 Anne Mahler: is there a place for free apps or are they all payed apps? :-) 00:29:49 Grace Innemee: Replying to "when i tell my frien..." Mostly you get blank stares haha 00:29:54 Grace Innemee: Reacted to "Hi from Sweden" with 👋 00:29:59 Carmen Naranjo: me 00:30:00 Karen Chrisman: Replying to "I can only pick one...." 😃 00:30:01 Grace Innemee: Reacted to "I learned that my co..." with ❤️ 00:30:03 Christelle Den Hertog: @grace innemee, what kind of birds do you have? 00:30:05 Megan Wolf: Meee 00:30:10 Betsy Lancefield Lane: That was me teaching middle school students! 00:30:11 Christelle Den Hertog: Replying to "when i tell my frien..." yes really 00:30:22 tori brook: Reacted to "That was me teaching..." with 😀 00:31:20 Grace Innemee: Replying to "my bird is not doing..." That can have many reasons. It might help to do something completely new 🙂 We often see parrots get bored quickly and just don’t engage when they already know their lessons 🙂 00:31:58 tori brook: Reacted to "That can have many r..." with 👍 00:32:22 Sandy van der Gun: Why only single choices? Please let us multi choice on polls 00:32:23 Grace Innemee: Replying to "is there a place for..." There is a list on the palooza page with apps. Some have free access but if you want to use it completely you will have to pay. I have worked with many for free without a problem 🙂 00:32:50 Invisible Joe: Replying to "FB reels" Thank you. Zoom only allows for 10 choices. 00:32:57 Invisible Joe: Replying to "Oh! And a podcast yo..." Thank you. Zoom only allows for 10 choices. 00:32:59 Karen Chrisman: I was spending time getting my parakeet to sit with me. She usually doesn't hang with me. She hangs with my other bird 00:33:02 Grace Innemee: Replying to "@grace innemee, what..." I had a scarlet macaw and am just back from almost 2 months parrot sitting a flock of cockatoos 🙂 00:33:02 Anne Mahler: Replying to "is there a place for..." thank you so much 🥰 00:33:08 Grace Innemee: Reacted to "That was me teaching..." with ❤️ 00:33:27 Grace Innemee: Replying to "when i tell my frien..." It’s why you need to have vids on your phone so you can show it hahaha... 00:33:49 Grace Innemee: Reacted to "thank you so much 🥰" with ❤️ 00:35:07 Trede Dreyowolfe: Omen loves listening to hurdy gurdy. He can say hurdy gurdy 00:35:11 Grace Innemee: Replying to "@grace innemee, what..." We are waiting for a new macaw to fly into our lives but we are not ready yet. Until that time I’m parrot sitting to scratch my training itch ;) 00:35:18 Christelle Den Hertog: Replying to "when i tell my frien..." yes, but when i saw some of the videos the first time, i couldnt believe it also 00:35:22 Grace Innemee: Yeay folk instruments and birds! 00:35:26 Justice Bellar: Reacted to "Yeay folk instrument..." with 🎉 00:35:30 Grace Innemee: Reacted to "yes, but when i saw ..." with ❤️ 00:35:39 Ashly Canute: I love black cap conures so much 00:36:27 Laura Tegart: We were working on colors. Matching crumpled paper to the corresponding garbage can. 00:36:35 Bonnie (she/her) & Gabriel too: Reacted to "We were working on c..." with 👍 00:36:36 tori brook: Reacted to "We were working on c..." with ❤️ 00:37:02 tori brook: Replying to "We were working on c..." Awesome, such fun! 00:37:08 Elaine Venditti: videos are sooooo important! 00:37:20 tori brook: Reacted to "videos are sooooo im..." with 👍 00:37:24 Grace Innemee: Yes yes yes…. You want it all on video <3 It’s good for everything (training, showing people, emotional etc) but especially when they are no longer here, it’s so precious to have a video library of their progress <3 00:37:34 Grace Innemee: Reacted to "We were working on c..." with ❤️ 00:37:37 Tari Voydanoff: Reacted to "Yes yes yes…. You wa…" with ❤️ 00:37:37 Elaine Venditti: Reacted to "Yes yes yes…. You wa..." with ❤️ 00:37:42 tori brook: Reacted to "Yes yes yes…. You wa..." with ❤️ 00:37:51 Anne Mahler: there where some access to a page that needed a password that I dont have. I can see that I have missed out on something here. I was in the emails :-) How do I find my password? 00:38:00 Megan Wolf: Will we get to go over how to teach yes and no? Or is there a resource for that? 00:38:00 Grace Innemee: THE SUSPENSE!! 00:38:17 Karen Chrisman: Reacted to "Will we get to go ov..." with ❤️ 00:38:19 Karen Chrisman: Removed a ❤️ reaction from "Will we get to go ov..." 00:38:22 Karen Chrisman: Reacted to "Will we get to go ov..." with 👍 00:38:25 Erin & Georgie: Also, over time, I have forgotten all that Georgie has learned. It is soooo good to have an easy record of his progress. It’s amazing! 00:38:34 Grace Innemee: Reacted to "Also, over time, I h..." with ❤️ 00:38:38 tori brook: Reacted to "Also, over time, I h..." with ❤️ 00:38:42 Betsy Lancefield Lane: Reacted to "Also, over time, I h..." with ❤️ 00:38:45 tori brook: Reacted to "THE SUSPENSE!!" with 😄 00:38:51 Elaine Venditti: being a part of parrot kindergarten makes us all a winner!!! 00:38:57 Grace Innemee: Reacted to "being a part of parr..." with ❤️ 00:38:58 Karen Chrisman: Reacted to "I was spending time ..." with 😃 00:38:58 Justice Bellar: Reacted to "Also, over time, I h..." with ❤️ 00:39:01 Tari Voydanoff: Reacted to "being a part of parr…" with ❤️ 00:39:02 tori brook: Reacted to "being a part of parr..." with ❤️ 00:39:02 Erin & Georgie: Reacted to "being a part of parr..." with ❤️ 00:39:08 Grace Innemee: Replying to "being a part of parr..." Best extended family ever! 00:39:12 Amanda Pagay: Reacted to "being a part of parr..." with ❤️ 00:39:12 Janet Belles: Can you turn the video sound up more please 00:39:18 Justice Bellar: Reacted to "being a part of parr..." with ❤️ 00:39:20 Erin & Georgie: Reacted to "Best extended family..." with ❤️ 00:39:24 Laura Bruck: Goffin Screams😜 I know those well. 00:39:34 tori brook: Reacted to "Goffin Screams😜 I k..." with 😄 00:39:58 Betsy Lancefield Lane: For me, committing to posting ALL videos was the fastest way to get over my desire to be (or at least *appear*) perfect all the time! I quickly got over myself. LOL 00:39:58 Tiffany Hartsell: That woke Rudy back up 😂 00:40:00 tori brook: Reacted to "Best extended family..." with ❤️ 00:40:13 tori brook: Reacted to "That woke Rudy back ..." with 😄 00:40:52 Grace Innemee: Reacted to "Goffin Screams😜 I k..." with 😂 00:41:00 Grace Innemee: Reacted to "For me, committing t..." with ❤️ 00:41:12 Tari Voydanoff: Reacted to "For me, committing t…" with ❤️ 00:41:20 Megan Wolf: It’s me, I think I used petsafe brand pouches but anything with a secure closure helped 00:41:39 tori brook: Reacted to "It’s me, I think I u..." with 👍 00:42:02 Brad Hardman: +I go to the kitchen to get walnuts to give to my birds and they immediately like stand at attention and stiffen up 00:42:10 Grace Innemee: Replying to "Will we get to go ov..." We will get to your question later 🙂 00:42:21 Grace Innemee: Reacted to "+I go to the kitchen..." with 😂 00:42:29 Grace Innemee: Replying to "+I go to the kitchen..." Reporting for walnut demolish duty! 00:42:38 Tari Voydanoff: Reacted to "Will we get to go ov…" with 👍 00:42:39 Tari Voydanoff: Removed a 👍 reaction from "Will we get to go ov…" 00:42:42 Ashly Canute: Replying to "Will we get to go ov..." Mine recognize my fridge squeaking when I go to get their chop 00:42:56 tori brook: Reacted to "Mine recognize my fr..." with 😄 00:43:42 Aria Walker: What about birds that take a long time with each that no matter how small the treat is? 00:44:24 Grace Innemee: Replying to "What about birds tha..." They say slow chewing is great for digestion ;) 00:44:48 Aria Walker: Reacted to "They say slow chewin..." with 😉 00:44:55 Tari Voydanoff: Replying to "What about birds tha…" Take whatever time is needed. It is ok. 00:45:07 Grace Innemee: Reacted to "Take whatever time i..." with ❤️ 00:45:11 Justice Bellar: Reacted to "Take whatever time i..." with ❤️ 00:45:14 Elaine Venditti: Replying to "What about birds tha..." @Grace mindful eating lol 00:45:22 Aria Walker: Reacted to "Take whatever time i..." with 👍 00:45:46 Grace Innemee: Replying to "What about birds tha..." Haha yes! I should be inspired and eat more slowly! 00:45:57 Elaine Venditti: Reacted to "Haha yes! I should b..." with 😂 00:46:00 Invisible Joe: The volume on the videos are dependent on how they were recorded. I'll ask Jennifer to turn up the low volume ones on any that she plays today 00:46:16 Grace Innemee: Reacted to "@Grace mindful eatin..." with 😂 00:46:21 Aria Walker: Replying to "What about birds tha..." If only I could get patient compliance with that too!! :-) 00:46:44 Kristen Jessup: Dragons, unicorns, fairies… things with wings 💖 00:46:48 Tiffany Hartsell: Rudy loves my tablet so much he guards it lol 00:47:12 Grace Innemee: Replying to "Dragons, unicorns, f..." That is very well observed! Haven’t thought about it that way! Fun! 00:47:22 Grace Innemee: Replying to "Dragons, unicorns, f..." And aren’t parrots all of that combined too! 00:47:29 Grace Innemee: Reacted to "Rudy loves my tablet..." with 😅 00:47:45 Barbara Stegens: My bird does not accept food as a treat. So I am not sure how to reward except to say good job 00:48:00 Elaine Venditti: Replying to "Dragons, unicorns, f..." @Grace Innemee parrots are magical 00:48:18 Ransen Theberge: Puck the budgie has the record for larger vocab 00:48:25 Tari Voydanoff: Replying to "My bird does not acc…" Reinforcement can come from verbal praise and head scratches…whatever is rewarding for your bird. 00:48:28 tori brook: Replying to "My bird does not acc..." That can work really well, praise and tickles are good too! 00:48:38 Ransen Theberge: Dang, she beat me to my fun fact lol 00:48:41 Cassie Crawford: Replying to "My bird does not acc..." There are so many ways you can reinforce your bird. :-) And I am sure we can help you find that special reward/treat. 00:48:49 tori brook: Reacted to "Dang, she beat me to..." with 😄 00:48:53 Megan Wolf: Reacted to "Dang, she beat me to…" with 😄 00:48:59 Grace Innemee: Replying to "Dragons, unicorns, f..." Yesss! 00:49:06 Amanda Pagay: 1600! Wow 00:49:18 Grace Innemee: Reacted to "Dang, she beat me to..." with 😂 00:49:28 Alicia Collado Olivares: isn’t that de definition of culture? 00:49:35 Invisible Joe: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Jennifer-Cunha-2 00:49:48 Grace Innemee: Reacted to "https://www.research..." with ❤️ 00:50:34 Sandy van der Gun: Reacted to "https://www.research…" with ❤️ 00:52:00 robin miller: I read a book that was written by a researcher who studied Avian language with African greys around the same time that Koko was learning sign language. 00:52:17 Grace Innemee: Reacted to "I read a book that w..." with 🤓 00:52:18 tori brook: Reacted to "I read a book that w..." with ❤️ 00:52:34 Debbie McClelland: Reptile communication and intelligence knowledge is in infancy 00:52:55 Grace Innemee: Replying to "Reptile communicatio..." There is so much more to discover <3 00:53:02 tori brook: Replying to "Reptile communicatio..." I can't wait to see how that goes! 00:53:24 Leanne Casey: Replying to "I read a book that w..." Was that Alex and Me by Dr. Irene Pepperberg? Loved it! 00:53:39 Debbie McClelland: Replying to "Reptile communicatio…" Worked with tortoise with 14 vocalizations 00:53:55 Justice Bellar: Replying to "My bird does not acc..." The mentor mama’s beat me to the punch, there are other alternatives to food reinforcement- just throwing it out there that I would watch your bird when they eat their dinner, and see what food items they tend to select first! These are usually favorite food items, and you can then save those for training sessions 🙂 00:54:06 Grace Innemee: Reacted to "Worked with tortoise..." with 😳 00:54:09 Jacqueline Gerue: Birds are feathered reptiles!😅 00:54:17 tori brook: Reacted to "Birds are feathered ..." with 😄 00:54:18 Debbie McClelland: Reacted to "Birds are feathered …" with ❤️ 00:54:23 Grace Innemee: Reacted to "The mentor mama’s be..." with ❤️ 00:54:24 Justice Bellar: Reacted to "Birds are feathered ..." with ❤️ 00:54:29 Lynn Jordan: Replying to "Birds are feathered ..." Dinosaurs and dragons. 00:54:37 Debbie McClelland: Reacted to "Dinosaurs and dragon…" with ❤️ 00:54:39 tori brook: Reacted to "Dinosaurs and dragon..." with ❤️ 00:54:44 Grace Innemee: Reacted to "Birds are feathered ..." with 😅 00:54:50 Nonie Maines: Imagine having a seeing eye parrot! 00:54:56 robin miller: Replying to "I read a book that..." I remember her first gre named Gracie 00:55:06 Amanda Pagay: Reacted to "Imagine having a see..." with 🥰 00:55:13 Grace Innemee: Replying to "I read a book that w..." Great name! I approve, 5 stars out of 5 ;) 00:55:17 Amanda Pagay: Reacted to "I read a book that w..." with ❤️ 00:55:23 Justice Bellar: Reacted to "Great name! I approv..." with 😆 00:55:24 tori brook: Reacted to "Great name! I approv..." with 😄 00:55:33 Sarah Ryan: Hi! Which researchers of MIT? 00:55:40 Jacqueline Gerue: Replying to "Imagine having a see..." Genius!!😍 00:55:52 Lynn Jordan: Replying to "I read a book that w..." Our member Pat has a grey named Gracie. 00:56:24 robin miller: Replying to "I read a book that..." It was a great book 00:56:53 Leanne Casey: Reacted to "Great name! I approv..." with ❤️ 00:57:04 Leanne Casey: Reacted to "I remember her first..." with ❤️ 00:57:10 Leanne Casey: Reacted to "It was a great book" with ❤️ 00:57:15 Leanne Casey: Reacted to "Our member Pat has a..." with ❤️ 00:57:16 karen tabaka: What age is top young too start? 00:57:33 Invisible Joe: Replying to "Hi! Which researche..." you can find the name on this page: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Jennifer-Cunha-2 00:57:42 karen tabaka: Replying to "What age is top youn..." *too young to star training. 00:57:43 Lynn Jordan: Replying to "What age is top youn..." Start at any age. No age is too young or too old. 00:57:51 karen tabaka: Reacted to "Start at any age. No..." with 👍 00:57:53 Zaeley Smith: Sorry I'm late, I just found out about this. I hope I've not missed too much 00:58:02 Cassie Crawford: Replying to "What age is top youn..." Learning starts the moment they hatch! It is all about what is appropriate for their developmental abilities. 00:58:04 tori brook: Reacted to "What age is top youn..." with 👋 00:58:04 Lynn Jordan: Replying to "Sorry I'm late, I j..." There are replays. 00:58:09 Justice Bellar: Reacted to "Learning starts the ..." with ❤️ 00:58:10 Brad Hardman: Replying to "Sorry I'm late, I j..." You haven't and there will be replays to help you catch up! 00:58:17 Nicole Desmond: Is it better to use a Samsung or similar tablet vs an Ipad? 00:58:20 Grace Innemee: Replying to "Sorry I'm late, I j..." Welcome! 00:58:51 Bonnie (she/her) & Gabriel too: Replying to "Is it better to use ..." Jen used Samsung Tablet A refurbished. I have cockatiel and use iPad Mini 5 00:58:52 tori brook: Replying to "What age is top youn..." @karen tabaka My budgie was 4 months when he started. He loves it. 00:59:01 Tari Voydanoff: Replying to "What age is top youn…" They are never too young to learn. I have found with mine that there are some topics they are not interested in at different ages, but their interests change over time. When my birds were younger, they didn’t care about letters and numbers. They only wanted games that were more like play. Now they are more interested in more academic subjects. 00:59:05 karen tabaka: Replying to "What age is top youn..." I have a baby who just learned to fly and step up. I don’t even know what he is capable of yet 00:59:11 Cassie Crawford: Replying to "Is it better to use ..." You want to look at screen sensitivity. There are a couple out there android wise that are better than others. I also use an iPad Because of the sensitivity being better. 00:59:12 Bonnie (she/her) & Gabriel too: Replying to "Is it better to use ..." Some members use phone, some use tablet, some use iPads 00:59:44 Grace Innemee: Replying to "What age is top youn..." @karen tabaka what a fun journey you are on! Will be so cool to see her development <3 00:59:56 Grace Innemee: Ahh… those umbrella whines! 01:00:02 Elaine Venditti: i love how Isabelle always chatters too! 01:00:03 Bonnie (she/her) & Gabriel too: Replying to "Is it better to use ..." When I did PK Palooza few years ago Gabriel walked across my iPad and it picked up pitter patter of his feet. Then tried Samsung and wasn't picking up pressure touches or even his feet so got him iPad 01:00:08 Justice Bellar: Reacted to "Ahh… those umbrella ..." with 😆 01:00:11 Bonnie (she/her) & Gabriel too: Replying to "Is it better to use ..." so yes re: sensitivity and you can also adjust 01:00:18 tori brook: Replying to "What age is top youn..." @karen tabaka you'll be flabbergasted! 01:00:20 Sarah Ryan: Replying to "Hi! Which researche..." Thank you! 01:00:48 Brad Hardman: my google pixel can pick up my bird just fine, and he's missing half of his upper beak and a toe. 01:00:53 Bonnie (she/her) & Gabriel too: Replying to "What age is top youn..." @karen tabaka this will definitely be wonderful opportunity to learn 01:00:55 Brad Hardman: it picks up his tongue when he licks it 01:01:10 Amanda Pagay: Reacted to "it picks up his tong..." with ❤️ 01:01:10 Grace Innemee: Reacted to "my google pixel can ..." with ❤️ 01:01:14 tori brook: Reacted to "it picks up his tong..." with ❤️ 01:01:15 Invisible Joe: Replying to "Is it better to use ..." We only use the Samsung Galaxy A model T510 (it is from 2019). After testing many new ones, the sensitivity just isn't there. There are links on the Palooza page suggested items of where to find refurbs. 01:02:05 Sarah Ryan: Replying to "Hi! Which researche..." Rebecca Kleinberger at MIT! I worked with her at the MIT Media Lab. 01:02:16 Grace Innemee: Reacted to "Rebecca Kleinberger ..." with ❤️ 01:02:28 Tari Voydanoff: Replying to "Is it better to use …" I have both a Samsung galaxy tab A and an iPad. They both work well. 01:03:06 Christelle Den Hertog: Replying to "Is it better to use ..." i think it is also different what kind of bird you have 01:03:34 Sandy van der Gun: My cat does this all the time! She chooses her wet food flavors, treats, puzzles, toys, etc. She likes variety so I ask “what want hmm?” And she touches the choice she wants 01:03:43 Amanda Pagay: Reacted to "My cat does this all..." with ❤️ 01:03:45 tori brook: Reacted to "My cat does this all..." with ❤️ 01:03:46 Sabine Major: Reacted to "My cat does this all…" with ❤️ 01:03:51 Grace Innemee: Reacted to "My cat does this all..." with ❤️ 01:03:55 Bonnie (she/her) & Gabriel too: Reacted to "My cat does this all..." with 👍 01:04:09 Aria Walker: Reacted to "My cat does this all..." with ❤️ 01:04:09 Invisible Joe: Replying to "Is it better to use ..." that's odd. they are playing here and haven't heard anyone else with that issue. you can try clicking top right corner view options to side-by-side Gallery. 01:04:29 Zaeley Smith: Reacted to You haven't and ther... with "❤️" 01:04:29 Alicia Collado Olivares: how can I put some order? my dogs would’ve taken both😫 01:04:33 Zaeley Smith: Reacted to There are replays. with "❤️" 01:04:41 Bonnie (she/her) & Gabriel too: what is that? 01:04:42 Shaina Beil: Replying to "how can I put some o…" Mine too 01:04:49 Cassie Crawford: Replying to "what is that?" Guinea Pig 01:04:57 Nicole Desmond: Replying to "Is it better to use ..." I have an amazon and an older iPad I can use. Just wondering if I should get the refurbished Galaxy tab if that’s better? Also having a harder time finding a good tablet holder for the 10.1 in iPad 01:05:00 Bonnie (she/her) & Gabriel too: Replying to "what is that?" @Cassie Crawford ty 01:05:04 Zaeley Smith: Replying to "Sorry I'm late, I j..." @Grace Innemee thank... 01:05:11 Grace Innemee: Reacted to "@Grace Innemee thank..." with ❤️ 01:05:32 Sabine Major: Replying to "how can I put some o…" Same here 01:05:35 Lynn Jordan: Replying to "Is it better to use ..." See how you bird does with what you have already. 01:06:10 tori brook: Replying to "Sorry I'm late, I j..." @Zaeley Smith great that you're here!! I'm Chilli's and Tyke's mummy. 01:06:16 karen tabaka: Replying to "What age is top youn..." @Tari Voydanoff any suggestions of lessons to start with for a baby 01:06:19 Alisan Boes: Is there a list of behavior resources? My birds can't be out at the same time because they will annoy each other. 01:06:31 Ana Odom: Ekkie blind 01:06:52 Betsy Lancefield Lane: Replying to "how can I put some o..." You can allow them to access only one (whichever they show more interest in), by keeping the treats in a closed fist. Also, training them to pause/wait rather than grabbing helps a lot. But a lot of us with dogs find that for many dogs, food = YES I LOVE THAT! LOL 01:07:09 Sabine Major: Reacted to "You can allow them t…" with ❤️ 01:07:23 Invisible Joe: Replying to "Is it better to use ..." @Nicole Desmond the holder we use is listed on the Palooaza page suggested items 01:07:36 Ash Rose: How do you start them with books? do you just read it to them? Should words be taught first? 01:07:49 Cassie Crawford: Replying to "Ekkie blind" There are definitely ways to adapt a lot of these things for blind animals 01:07:59 Grace Innemee: Replying to "Is there a list of b..." What do you mean with behaviour recourses in relation to your birds not being able to get out together? 01:08:06 Bonnie (she/her) & Gabriel too: Replying to "How do you start the..." usually begin with just touching page. then can do objects. Words come later typically 01:08:14 Kelsie Krueger: How do your birds not instantly destroy the books? My cockatoo loves to shred!! 01:08:14 Shaina Beil: How do I pose a question that will get asked to Jen? I have tried posting it here on my mobile device, but there’s no way to flag it… 01:08:19 Ash Rose: Replying to "How do you start the..." cool, thank you :)\ 01:08:20 Sandy van der Gun: Would like to know about starting books too! How to get a cat to see them as interesting objects? 01:08:22 Ana Odom: Replying to "Ekkie blind" He's is also 75% dea... 01:08:33 Grace Innemee: Replying to "How do you start the..." Jen will get to that now 🙂 01:08:41 Cassie Crawford: Replying to "How do you start the..." The pre-requisite for all of these behaviors is target training so you def want to get that in first 01:08:49 Nicole Desmond: Replying to "Is it better to use ..." I saw that but it’s only for the Galaxy tab I thought, unless I missed the one for the iPad? 01:09:01 Alicia Collado Olivares: Reacted to "You can allow them t..." with ❤️ 01:09:02 Ash Rose: Reacted to "Jen will get to that..." with ❤️ 01:09:02 Invisible Joe: Replying to "How do I pose a ques..." you can put your question here in Chat. we will take individual coaching at the very end 01:09:08 Ash Rose: Reacted to "The pre-requisite fo..." with ❤️ 01:09:11 Ash Rose: Reacted to "usually begin with j..." with ❤️ 01:09:34 Cassie Crawford: Replying to "How do your birds no..." Target training! Teaching your bird to target without destroying. ;-P 01:10:09 Invisible Joe: Replying to "Is it better to use ..." I believe the link goes to the brand that has all sizes and both android and ipad 01:10:45 Alisan Boes: Replying to "Is there a list of..." Yes, I want them to get along with each other better. Also one of them will fly from me to attack my husband. 01:10:46 Nancy O'Sullivan: \ 01:11:09 Nicole Desmond: Replying to "Is it better to use ..." Ok, great! Thanks! 01:11:28 Grace Innemee: Replying to "How do your birds no..." And you can start by rewarding them for looking at the book and keep the book out of shredding distance 🙂 then move slowly toward them but make sure you won’t let them grab it. Start with second hand books and you are good to go! 01:11:40 Sabine Major: What if they don’t know a word yet - so touch dragon for example 01:12:04 Shaina Beil: Reacted to "you can put your que…" with 👍 01:12:25 Grace Innemee: Replying to "What if they don’t k..." You can name what they touch so they start learning the names 🙂 01:12:28 Cassie Crawford: Replying to "Is there a list of b..." There are some strategies to help with that. The best way for behaviors like that is talk with an avian behaviorist. 01:12:33 Sabine Major: Reacted to "You can name what th…" with ❤️ 01:12:35 tori brook: Replying to "What if they don’t k..." you ask to touch several times directing them to the dragon and say it. 01:12:41 Sabine Major: Replying to "What if they don’t k…" Thank you 01:12:47 Grace Innemee: Reacted to "Thank you" with ❤️ 01:13:24 Cassie Crawford: Replying to "Is there a list of b..." Each bird is an individual so it all depends on the motivating factors and environment. 01:13:27 Darla Hsiao: Replying to "How do your birds no..." Lol. My Amazon want... 01:13:53 Alisan Boes: Replying to "Is there a list of..." How does one find a good behaviorist? 01:14:24 Grace Innemee: Replying to "Is there a list of b..." We have a great one at PK but I’m biased of course 🙂 You can always ask around in your bird community too! 01:14:36 Sabine Major: Advice on capturing if they randomly happen to touch the screen rather than during a training session - my birds are very interested when I use my phone and I feel like I should capture that 01:14:38 ellle marfia: Replying to "What if they don’t k..." If they chew on the plastic cover do they spit it out or do I have to worry about them ingesting? 01:14:53 Cassie Crawford: Replying to "Advice on capturing ..." You could totally do that! 01:14:56 suzanne neamtan: Is there anyway to increase the touch sensitivity on the tablets 01:15:16 Cassie Crawford: Replying to "Is there anyway to i..." It depends on the tablet. 01:15:20 Elaine Venditti: Replying to "Is there anyway to i..." Yes! go to your settings! 01:15:26 Lynn Jordan: Replying to "Is there anyway to i..." Some tablets have sensitivity controls. 01:15:29 Sandy van der Gun: What about scratches on the screen? 01:15:36 Betsy Lancefield Lane: Replying to "Is there a list of b..." Or ask the avian vet whether they have a referral to a behaviorist. 01:15:37 Sabine Major: Replying to "Advice on capturing …" Would I just be prepared with a treat and say good or touch when they do it and reward? 01:15:40 Sabine Major: Reacted to "You could totally do…" with ❤️ 01:15:58 Cassie Crawford: Reacted to "Or ask the avian vet..." with ❤️ 01:16:12 Grace Innemee: Replying to "What if they don’t k..." I guess that would be bird specific. But if they have plastic toys too I wouldn’t be too worried but always try to avoid chewing on books 🙂 01:16:21 ellle marfia: Replying to "Advice on capturing ..." Thank you that helps 01:16:27 Marie Malloy: do you recommend a soft plastic over hard plastic. You may have just answered that, but I'm not sure. I got distracted by an email.... 01:16:29 Betsy Lancefield Lane: Replying to "What about scratches..." Many cases have screen protectors—I think some suggestions are available in the course resources 01:16:35 Cassie Crawford: Reacted to "Would I just be prep..." with 👍 01:16:39 Ash Rose: I am definitely gonna look for a case that's too hard for my bird to chew, coz he's would likely eat some 01:16:45 Alice McNulty: My bird is doing well with touching a chopstick, but will not touch the dot on her tablet. Next step? 01:16:53 Alisan Boes: Replying to "Is there a list of..." I am a member of PK but I'm in California, can they do zoom? 01:17:07 Grace Innemee: Replying to "What about scratches..." I’m happy to report that after one year parrot touches there is still not a scratch on my old iPad 🙂 01:17:19 Betsy Lancefield Lane: Reacted to "I’m happy to report ..." with 👍 01:17:22 Justice Bellar: Replying to "Is there a list of b..." @Alisan Boes I’m the PK school counselor, and yes, all our sessions are conducted through Zoom! 🙂 01:17:23 Ash Rose: Reacted to "I’m happy to report ..." with 👍 01:17:28 Cassie Crawford: Replying to "My bird is doing wel..." Jen uses nut butters to encourage the screen touch targeting 01:17:29 tori brook: Replying to "Is there a list of b..." @Alisan Boes Our behaviourist will do zoom, she's wonderful! 01:17:30 Grace Innemee: Reacted to "@Alisan Boes I’m the..." with ❤️ 01:17:30 Zaeley Smith: Could you adapt a captive touchscreen tip onto something a bird can pick up to use the touchscreen? Eg attached to a loop backed button or a small piece of Cork? 01:17:36 Grace Innemee: Reacted to "@Alisan Boes Our beh..." with ❤️ 01:17:39 Trede Dreyowolfe: Replying to "What about scratches..." birb beaks are much softer than the glass on most/all tablets at this point. 01:18:06 Cassie Crawford: Replying to "My bird is doing wel..." I believe she will also talk about that when talking about tablets and how to get them started 01:18:29 Grace Innemee: Replying to "do you recommend a s..." Jennifer uses soft covers 🙂 Most PK members do. I bought mine second hand so wasn’t worried about it getting messed up. 01:18:42 Cassie Crawford: Replying to "Is there a list of b..." Most do nowadays. :-) 01:18:55 Alisan Boes: Replying to "Is there a list of..." Thank you! 01:19:30 Jessica Dean: Was that peanut butter? 01:19:31 Grace Innemee: Replying to "Could you adapt a ca..." We had that question yesterday and Jennifer said that it is probably to hard with directing the tip with their beak that way… Their tongue is already a touchscreen tip 🙂 01:19:36 Christelle Den Hertog: Replying to "My bird is doing wel..." i started also with a target stick and next i put the target stick in front of my tablet. and next i made the tip from the target stick smaller 01:19:50 Cassie Crawford: Replying to "Could you adapt a ca..." We have never tried that, but it would be cool if you come up with something like that. I am sure it is possible (similar to a paint brush) 01:19:59 Heather Rosenberg: what types of treats might be used to touch screen if my bird doesnt like mushy foods 01:20:22 Cassie Crawford: Replying to "Was that peanut butt..." yes 01:20:29 Grace Innemee: Replying to "Was that peanut butt..." Yes, or another nut butter, whatever works with your bird 🙂 sometimes it’s not needed if they are exploratory with their tongue 01:20:40 Tari Voydanoff: Replying to "what types of treats…" You could put nut butter but stick a nut into the nut butter. 01:20:45 Cassie Crawford: Reacted to "i started also with ..." with 👍 01:20:59 tori brook: Replying to "what types of treats..." Anything at all that your bird likes, even seed but the tablet would need to be horizontal. 01:21:06 Cassie Crawford: Replying to "what types of treats..." You could also use something like millet on the screen 01:21:26 Cassie Crawford: Replying to "what types of treats..." Or use the target stick 01:21:26 Heather Rosenberg: Reacted to "Anything at all th..." with 👍 01:21:44 Zaeley Smith: Replying to "Could you adapt a ca..." Yeah I was thinking ... 01:21:46 Heather Rosenberg: Reacted to "You could put nut ..." with 👍 01:21:53 Heather Rosenberg: Reacted to "You could also use..." with 👍 01:21:58 Heather Rosenberg: Reacted to "Or use the target ..." with 👍 01:22:19 Nancy Forrester: Had a Samsung Tab A for a long time got lots of use with many birds, then one day when of my macaw threw it on the floor and it died. I immediately ordered a new one. because we can not live with out one for the birds 01:22:25 Cassie Crawford: Replying to "Could you adapt a ca..." @Zaeley Smith that would be interesting for species like macaws that have those big difficult beaks. 01:23:00 Grace Innemee: Replying to "Could you adapt a ca..." You can always try! Will be a fun project 🙂 Some tablets pick up beak touches too, and some members press the tablet where their bird touches it if they haven’t mastered tongue touches yet. 01:23:10 Tiffany Hartsell: I use galaxy tabs and phones 01:23:13 Grace Innemee: Replying to "Could you adapt a ca..." @Cassie Crawford Nape never had any trouble 😛 01:23:27 tori brook: Reacted to "Had a Samsung Tab A ..." with 😄 01:23:31 Cassie Crawford: Replying to "Could you adapt a ca..." I was thinking the the big ol blue ones 01:23:31 Grace Innemee: Reacted to "Had a Samsung Tab A ..." with ❤️ 01:23:41 Cassie Crawford: Replying to "Could you adapt a ca..." Nape was special 01:23:42 Ash Rose: Is there a specific iPad that's better? 01:23:49 Grace Innemee: Reacted to "Nape was special" with ❤️ 01:24:01 Sabine Major: Could someone please tell me if choosing Yes and No was already shared? Unfortunately I couldn’t join on time. If not, is that planned? I overthink that process and probably make it too complicated when I try to teach it. 01:24:22 Erin & Georgie: If youre an apple person, my parrotlet can pressure touch, with not problem, iPad iPad mini and iPhones. All. 01:24:25 Elaine Venditti: Replying to "Could you adapt a ca..." @Cassie Crawford i have a macaw and a big 12 inch tablet. It is super sensitive and I even have a glass screen protecting it. her touch is strong enough to not just touch but swipe! 01:24:29 Sabine Major: Reacted to "If youre an apple pe…" with ❤️ 01:24:34 Cassie Crawford: Replying to "Is there a specific ..." All the apple products all have pretty sensitive screens 01:24:41 Sabine Major: Reacted to "If youre an apple pe…" with 👋 01:24:42 Grace Innemee: Replying to "Is there a specific ..." I see all the types used. I used a 10 year old one haha and that worked fine. But also the mini’s are used as well as the Pro’s, depending on the size of the birds 01:24:42 Karen Chrisman: The galaxy info can you put on chat. 01:24:56 Invisible Joe: Replying to "Could someone please..." we won't be covering Yes/No in the Palooza. But, on Friday we will share resources beyond the Palooza 01:24:59 Sandy van der Gun: That drawing app is not compatible with the new IOS 01:24:59 Ash Rose: Reacted to "All the apple produc..." with ❤️ 01:25:01 Ash Rose: Reacted to "I see all the types ..." with ❤️ 01:25:09 Grace Innemee: Reacted to "If youre an apple pe..." with ❤️ 01:25:17 Sabine Major: Replying to "Could someone please…" Thank you! 01:25:19 tori brook: I always use a mobile phone for Tyke my budgie and he gets pressure touches. My parrotlet Chilli also got pressure touches on my phone too. 01:25:24 Cassie Crawford: Replying to "The galaxy info can ..." I think that is on the Palooza website 01:25:27 Sabine Major: Reacted to "we won't be covering…" with 👍 01:25:59 Christelle Den Hertog: Replying to "I always use a mobil..." me too 01:26:03 Grace Innemee: Replying to "That drawing app is ..." There are many drawing apps also for iPad.. Check the Bimi Boo apps they are nice 🙂 (and partially free!) 01:26:04 Cassie Crawford: Replying to "That drawing app is ..." Any drawing app works, but that is interesting. I will look into that 01:26:17 Invisible Joe: Replying to "The galaxy info can ..." It is a Galaxy Tab A model T510 (min 16GB memory). There are links on the Palooza page suggested items 01:26:43 Sabine Major: Reacted to "I always use a mobil…" with ❤️ 01:27:02 Erin & Georgie: Replying to "Could someone please..." @Sabine Major Hi Sabine! Glad you’re here! There are great step by step videos in Ellie’s lesson ibrary on the PK website! 💕💕💕 01:27:16 Sabine Major: Reacted to "@Sabine Major Hi Sab…" with ❤️ 01:27:29 Sabine Major: Replying to "Could someone please…" Thank you! 01:27:33 Marisa: I think the easiest one to get her learning will be the drawing apps and games she can play herself. Shes an independent bird 😅 01:27:43 Cassie Crawford: Reacted to "I think the easiest ..." with ❤️ 01:27:44 Ash Rose: Gamber bird, that's so cute 01:27:47 tori brook: Reacted to "I think the easiest ..." with ❤️ 01:27:50 Ash Rose: Replying to "Gamber bird, that's ..." *gamer 01:28:01 Ash Rose: Reacted to "I think the easiest ..." with ❤️ 01:28:02 Grace Innemee: Reacted to "I think the easiest ..." with ❤️ 01:28:02 Cassie Crawford: Replying to "I think the easiest ..." Have you tried Balloon pop? 01:28:14 suzanne neamtan: Reacted to "Gamber bird, that's …" with ❤️ 01:28:15 Ash Rose: Reacted to "@Sabine Major Hi Sab..." with ❤️ 01:28:26 Erin & Georgie: Georgie LOVES exactly what Jen just said…..nouns, verbs, adjectives. And he is 4 inches tall!!!! It IS possible IF if if you are interested. 01:28:39 Grace Innemee: Reacted to "Georgie LOVES exactl..." with ❤️ 01:28:39 Sabine Major: Reacted to "Georgie LOVES exactl…" with ❤️ 01:28:40 Elaine Venditti: Reacted to "Georgie LOVES exactl..." with ❤️ 01:28:59 Erin & Georgie: Reacted to "Georgie LOVES exactl..." with ❤️ 01:29:00 tori brook: Reacted to "Georgie LOVES exactl..." with ❤️ 01:29:10 Brad Hardman: my birds like to stand on my tablet so teaching them to touch it should be easy 01:29:27 Sharon Inglis: Replying to "my birds like to sta…" Mine are the same. 01:29:29 Cassie Crawford: Pippin loves books. It has taken him quite some time to warm-up to using the tablet. So you may have to start small like us, but you can get there with the tablet. 01:29:42 Grace Innemee: Replying to "my birds like to sta..." Could make for nice artwork! 01:30:05 Justice Bellar: Reacted to "Pippin loves books. ..." with ❤️ 01:30:29 karen tabaka: #usedbirdarebest I love my adopted stinkers 01:30:39 Cassie Crawford: Reacted to "#usedbirdarebest I l..." with ❤️ 01:30:46 tori brook: Reacted to "#usedbirdarebest I l..." with ❤️ 01:30:56 Grace Innemee: Reacted to "#usedbirdarebest I l..." with ❤️ 01:31:10 Justice Bellar: Reacted to "#usedbirdarebest I l..." with ❤️ 01:31:11 Shaina Beil: I don’t see any video 01:31:27 Erin & Georgie: Reacted to "#usedbirdarebest I l..." with ❤️ 01:31:41 Invisible Joe: Replying to "I don’t see any vide..." playing ok here. anyone else? 01:31:50 Grace Innemee: Replying to "I don’t see any vide..." Nope fine here! 01:31:55 Ash Rose: So enthusiastic! 01:31:56 Jules Ní Chonchobhair: Replying to "I don’t see any vide..." Playing fine here. 🙂 01:31:58 Grace Innemee: Patrick is amazing!! 01:31:58 Erin & Georgie: Patrick is amazing! 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕 01:31:59 karen tabaka: Oh my goodness I am in love with this little doll!!!! What a great story! 01:32:04 Tari Voydanoff: Replying to "I don’t see any vide…" It’s playing for me too. 01:32:08 Grace Innemee: Replying to "Patrick is amazing! ..." Haha great minds! 01:32:10 Nancy Forrester: good here 01:32:11 Shaina Beil: Replying to "I don’t see any vide…" Darn! So weird 01:32:14 Betsy Lancefield Lane: Replying to "I don’t see any vide..." Fine here 01:32:15 Elaine Venditti: Reacted to "Patrick is amazing! ..." with ❤️ 01:32:42 Shaina Beil: Replying to "I don’t see any vide…" Will the video be on the palooza page? Or only in the zoom recording? 01:32:56 Grace Innemee: Replying to "I don’t see any vide..." On the palooza page and in your email later 🙂 01:33:11 Invisible Joe: Replying to "I don’t see any vide..." @Shaina Beil Both 01:33:15 Tari Voydanoff: Reacted to "Patrick is amazing! …" with ❤️ 01:34:20 David Carr: I would love to get lyra using a tablet and have no doubt she would be willing, but she is a crow, so only touches with the very tip of her beak, not tongue, so we are not sure how well it would work. Does anyone have experience of a similar bird making this work or would it be worth skipping the tablet and using other methods instead? (right now she touches blocks with pictures instead) 01:35:08 Grace Innemee: Replying to "I would love to get ..." @Betsy Lancefield Lane there are chickens and ducks in PetPK right? Do you have any insights on this? 01:35:16 Cassie Crawford: Replying to "I would love to get ..." I think it would be worth exploring using an object like a stylus for a bird with a beak like a crow. 01:35:52 Alicia Collado Olivares: Replying to "I would love to get ..." Crows are very smart, do you think she might hold one of this pens with a contact tip and use it? 01:36:06 Alicia Collado Olivares: Replying to "I would love to get ..." *these 01:36:08 ellle marfia: Replying to "my birds like to sta..." I can see Galaxy Tab A but where do I look for T510 designation? 01:36:14 tori brook: Replying to "I would love to get ..." You can try getting her to stick her tongue out, some people have managed to train their birds to do that. I even used to touch the tablet with my tongue! 01:36:18 Betsy Lancefield Lane: Replying to "I would love to get ..." There are. The beaks vs tongues don’t seem to be as big a problem as the slobber problems with dogs and some horses. I’d def give it a try with the crow! (The slobber negatively impacts the touch sensitivity of the screen.) 01:36:48 karen tabaka: Replying to "I would love to get ..." @Cassie Crawford thats an interesting idea… maybe even fashion one sort of like a pacifier that can be held In the mouht 01:37:09 Invisible Joe: Replying to "my birds like to sta..." @ellle marfia you can search specifically for that. also appears in some descriptions of item eg. Amazon. Our link goes in there directly 01:37:43 Grace Innemee: Reacted to "There are. The beaks..." with ❤️ 01:38:06 ellle marfia: Replying to "my birds like to sta..." Ty I will follow your link 01:38:15 Grace Innemee: Replying to "I would love to get ..." @Betsy Lancefield Lane I thought someone was using plastic wrap that was wetted or something? Might be interesting for the pointy beaks too! 01:38:17 Betsy Lancefield Lane: Replying to "I would love to get ..." I guess I’m just saying why not try it and see what happens? A lot of times, we just don’t know what will be easy or hard for a learner until we try. 01:38:25 Grace Innemee: Reacted to "I guess I’m just say..." with ❤️ 01:38:55 Karen Chrisman: We haven't learned yes and no yet. Can we have them choose toys without learning that first? 01:39:12 Betsy Lancefield Lane: Replying to "I would love to get ..." @Grace Innemee They use saran wrap on the screens to try to counteract the wetness (slobber). It isn’t a complete solution, but it buys some time. There’s a lot of wiping off the screen still! 01:39:41 Betsy Lancefield Lane: Replying to "I would love to get ..." Wetness is the problem, not the solution, in other words. 01:39:48 tori brook: Replying to "We haven't learned y..." Which is favourite is great as a starter and they don't have to touch. 01:40:00 Grace Innemee: Replying to "We haven't learned y..." Of course! You can just present the options and let them choose by touching or looking 🙂 01:40:01 Invisible Joe: Replying to "We haven't learned y..." yes, preference comes before Yes/No - normally 01:40:14 Grace Innemee: Reacted to "Wetness is the probl..." with 😅 01:40:32 Grace Innemee: Reacted to "@Grace Innemee They ..." with ❤️ 01:40:34 Erin & Georgie: Replying to "We haven't learned y..." Yes. We did. We started with “Which is favorite” in Ellie’s lesson library and then did yes/no a little later. 01:41:19 Betsy Lancefield Lane: How did people learn of the contest? I missed it. 01:41:23 T Zembowsky: Thank you 01:41:42 Grace Innemee: Replying to "How did people learn..." It’s more like a raffle with attendants 🙂 01:41:47 Nancy Kowalski: My question too!!! 01:41:48 Betsy Lancefield Lane: Replying to "How did people learn..." Got it! 01:41:51 Shaina Beil: I have a question! Can’t raise my hand in the mobile version 01:41:51 Bernadette de Oliveira: Thanks, everyone, see you tomorrow! 01:41:53 tori brook: Replying to "How did people learn..." People were randomly picked 01:41:59 Nancy Kowalski: Winning prizes. 01:42:06 Nancy Kowalski: Thank you 01:42:07 Betsy Lancefield Lane: Replying to "How did people learn..." Oh! Thanks! I had FOMO there for a sec. 01:42:13 Grace Innemee: Reacted to "Thanks, everyone, se..." with ❤️ 01:42:15 karen tabaka: QUESTION: is there a suggested lesson for babaies? 01:42:15 Kristin Anderson: Thank you so much!! 01:42:16 tori brook: Reacted to "Oh! Thanks! I had ..." with 😄 01:42:26 Megan Wolf: Have there been cats that have benefitted from iPads? If so what kind of apps worked for them? 01:42:31 Debbie McClelland: Excellent again! I can't wait to share with my incredible learners!!! Thanks again to the whole crew!!! 01:42:33 Ethan Williams: Does the tiny bird Chilli have an IG account? 01:42:49 Sabine Major: Reacted to "Does the tiny bird C…" with ❤️ 01:42:53 Erica Del Aguila: I’m here but my question was similar to someone else’s yesterday, so I’m all set! :) 01:42:58 Megan Wolf: Replying to "Have there been cats…" Also do they use paw or nose? 01:43:00 Sabine Major: Replying to "Does the tiny bird C…" @tori brook 01:43:03 tori brook: Replying to "QUESTION: is there a..." You can do all the same stuff with a baby, tablet games even! 01:43:08 Grace Innemee: Replying to "QUESTION: is there a..." I think all three lessons from today are doable but communication might be a nice one to start with? So choosing fav toy/treat 01:43:24 karen tabaka: Reacted to "I think all three le..." with ❤️ 01:43:25 Grace Innemee: Reacted to "Excellent again! I ..." with ❤️ 01:43:27 karen tabaka: Reacted to "You can do all the s..." with ❤️ 01:43:30 Grace Innemee: Reacted to "I’m here but my ques..." with ❤️ 01:43:35 Marsha Brennan: Thanks for another terrific day of learning🤗🙏 01:43:41 Grace Innemee: Reacted to "Thanks for another t..." with ❤️ 01:44:34 Betsy Lancefield Lane: You can also do food vs toy 01:44:55 tori brook: Replying to "Does the tiny bird C..." Chilli passed last year, my new bird Tyke the budgebassador does though. I mainly use Facebook though because Insta messes with my head. Old age lol 01:44:58 Betsy Lancefield Lane: After the spoon experiment 01:45:08 Grace Innemee: Reacted to "Chilli passed last y..." with 😅 01:45:26 Tari Voydanoff: Reacted to "Chilli passed last y…" with 😂 01:45:30 Laura Bruck: Thank you. See you tomorrow 01:45:36 Michelle & Shadow (BE2): Reacted to "Chilli passed last y..." with 🫂 01:45:38 tori brook: Reacted to "Thank you. See you t..." with 👋 01:46:21 Betsy Lancefield Lane: Another thing with dogs who have a lot of training, Shaina, is that sometimes it seems to confuse them when THEY get to choose the answer. They’re used to a right anmswer 01:46:21 Megan Wolf: Have there been cats that have benefitted from iPads? If so what kind of apps worked for them? 01:46:23 Sabine Major: Thank you! 01:46:33 Ethan Williams: Replying to "Does the tiny bird C..." Thank you. I’ll find him! 01:46:42 Grace Innemee: Reacted to "Thank you. I’ll find..." with ❤️ 01:46:54 Alicia Collado Olivares: Reacted to "Another thing with d..." with ❤️ 01:46:58 Sandy van der Gun: Have there been cats & books? I’d be very interested to hear about that. 01:47:00 Grace Innemee: Reacted to "Another thing with d..." with ❤️ 01:47:04 tori brook: Replying to "Does the tiny bird C..." No, thank you! I love that you asked about Chilli. 01:47:14 Erin & Georgie: Replying to "Have there been cats..." There are specific cat apps. Mine used to LOVE to chase the mice!!! 01:47:21 Jen Wright: I had a cat that liked playing the fishing game on iPad, but not using the iPad the way these birds do 01:47:23 Sandy van der Gun: Replying to "Have there been cats…" I’m doing cats and tablets and books! 01:47:24 Kelsie Krueger: I also can't figure out how to raise my hand 01:47:29 Megan Wolf: I’ll give it a try! 01:47:35 Carolyn Aderdour: Thank you Jennifer your ideas are amazing and I’m learning a lot I will be back tomorrow 01:47:37 Erin & Georgie: Replying to "Have there been cats..." I dont remember the name 01:47:41 Grace Innemee: Reacted to "I’ll give it a try!" with ❤️ 01:47:47 Jen Wright: you can find the fishing game if you search for games for cats 01:47:47 Grace Innemee: Reacted to "Thank you Jennifer y..." with 👋 01:47:51 Janet Belles: Is pop corn no butter okay for treat for a bird 01:47:52 Sabine Major: My cat goes nuts for the “squeezable” treats - that would be great to use for that purpose 01:48:00 Zaeley Smith: I'm hoping my p'let wants to engage with this. I want to communicate with him. I really need help training him to be handled for medical and harness training. Do you also teach those things on the courses? 01:48:02 Grace Innemee: Reacted to "There are specific c..." with 😅 01:48:11 Sandy van der Gun: My cat touched the tablet screen yesterday without treats on it! 01:48:13 Erin & Georgie: Replying to "Is pop corn no butte..." Mine LOVES it. 01:48:14 Cassie Crawford: Replying to "Is pop corn no butte..." Yes. I have given it 01:48:25 Karen Chrisman: Replying to "We haven't learned y..." ☝️ 01:48:30 Grace Innemee: Replying to "Is pop corn no butte..." Fun for foraging to! 01:48:40 Janet Belles: Replying to "Is pop corn no butte..." Thank you 01:48:40 Betsy Lancefield Lane: LOL, btw I finally wisened up and realized my dog’s favorite harness is (drumroll……) his collar. LOL “Which is favorite” was consistently answered with “neither one, thankyouverymuch!” 01:48:40 Grace Innemee: Reacted to "My cat goes nuts for..." with ❤️ 01:48:42 Cassie Crawford: Replying to "Is pop corn no butte..." As with everything it’s all about moderation. :-) 01:48:57 Jen Wright: Reacted to "LOL, btw I finally w..." with 😂 01:49:09 Grace Innemee: Replying to "I'm hoping my p'let ..." We have monthly workshops that also cover these topics 🙂 01:49:19 Grace Innemee: Replying to "My cat touched the t..." Yeay!!! Cool!!! 01:49:29 Grace Innemee: Replying to "My cat touched the t..." Send vids! So much fun <3 01:49:55 Grace Innemee: Reacted to "LOL, btw I finally w..." with 😂 01:50:27 Justice Bellar: Replying to "I'm hoping my p'let ..." We also have some recent workshops on syringe training and voluntary nail trim training up in our recorded webinars! 01:50:31 Betsy Lancefield Lane: This is similar to what our group’s duck likes to do as reinforcement 01:50:38 Grace Innemee: Replying to "LOL, btw I finally w..." I keep saying we need a butting saying ‘you are daft for asking this’ in any fashion to your liking hahahaha…. Or in my case I used fun versus stupid instead of like/no like haha 01:50:50 Grace Innemee: Reacted to "We also have some re..." with ❤️ 01:50:54 Erin & Georgie: Replying to "I'm hoping my p'let ..." Parrotlet mama here. Yes! There are monthly workshops. My parrotlet LOVES allllllllll of this! I cant recommend it enough!! 01:50:56 Sandy van der Gun: Replying to "My cat touched the t…" I’ll try! 01:51:01 Grace Innemee: Reacted to "I’ll try!" with ❤️ 01:51:04 Betsy Lancefield Lane: Reacted to "I keep saying we nee..." with 👍 01:51:09 Justice Bellar: Reacted to "Parrotlet mama here...." with ❤️ 01:51:17 Grace Innemee: Reacted to "Parrotlet mama here...." with ❤️ 01:51:18 Erin & Georgie: Reacted to "I keep saying we nee..." with 😂 01:51:29 Shaina Beil: I have another quick question if time. 01:51:36 Bonnie (she/her) & Gabriel too: I have ipad mini for tiel 01:51:40 Betsy Lancefield Lane: Replying to "LOL, btw I finally w..." @Grace Innemee And they give you that look like, “How did YOU get put in charge??” ROTFL 01:51:46 Alice McNulty: How do I access the Palozza page? 01:51:47 Bonnie (she/her) & Gabriel too: or phone option too 01:51:47 Grace Innemee: Reacted to "@Grace Innemee And t..." with 😂 01:51:59 Grace Innemee: Replying to "LOL, btw I finally w..." Exactly!! Why did I get this dummy for a mum hahahaha 01:52:11 karen tabaka: I found the iPad is a little big for my caique. Henry prefers using my phone so I am hoping to et an iPad mini 01:52:13 Invisible Joe: https://palooza.parrotkindergarten.com 01:52:23 Invisible Joe: https://tinyurl.com/252ad2jr 01:52:28 Grace Innemee: Replying to "I have another quick..." @Invisible Joe 01:52:48 Grace Innemee: Replying to "How do I access the ..." https://palooza.parrotkindergarten.com 01:53:08 Robin Marlin: Replying to "I'm hoping my p'let ..." Does your parrotlet use a tablet/phone? 01:53:29 Bonnie (she/her) & Gabriel too: A bunch of us have purchased Alexa Echo shows recently which allows to watch screen 01:53:35 Elaine Venditti: Reacted to "Parrotlet mama here...." with ❤️ 01:53:36 Betsy Lancefield Lane: This is my life! YES, correct, I think 01:53:50 Sandy van der Gun: You’ll need the right framerate for their vision to catch it as moving image 01:53:52 Erin & Georgie: Replying to "I'm hoping my p'let ..." @Robin Marlin He uses both. The iPad mini has been easier for him. Chill used an iPhone. 01:53:53 Bonnie (she/her) & Gabriel too: and you can look in on him and he can see you too _ sorry if girl as I reference boy 01:54:09 tori brook: Replying to "I'm hoping my p'let ..." @Robin Marlin Georgie uses an Ipad mini. I use a phone for my budgie and used it for my parrotlet. 01:54:16 Karen Chrisman: Reacted to "I think all three le..." with ❤️ 01:54:20 Zaeley Smith: Replying to "I'm hoping my p'let ..." Excellent. He's made... 01:54:27 Karen Chrisman: Reacted to "You can also do food..." with ❤️ 01:54:31 Karen Chrisman: Reacted to "After the spoon expe..." with ❤️ 01:54:48 Nonie Maines: Can we have a list of cartoons? 01:54:51 tori brook: Reacted to "Excellent. He's made..." with ❤️ 01:54:58 Aria Walker: Reacted to "Can we have a list o..." with 👍 01:55:19 Bonnie (she/her) & Gabriel too: Replying to "Can we have a list o..." Jen has helped me doing playlists with toddler things on You Tube, etc. 01:55:23 Betsy Lancefield Lane: I had good luck pulling up kid-friendly videos of wild animals on YouTube. Seems like a bunch come from australia 01:55:36 Zaeley Smith: Replying to "I'm hoping my p'let ..." I'm happy to hear fr... 01:55:42 Cassie Crawford: Replying to "Can we have a list o..." I just found Duck and Goose on Apple TV. I think Jen’s kids like Peppa Pig and Cloud babies 01:55:53 Grace Innemee: Reacted to "I'm happy to hear fr..." with ❤️ 01:55:54 Nonie Maines: Reacted to I just found Duck an... with "👍" 01:56:11 Michelle & Shadow (BE2): Reacted to "I just found Duck an..." with 🥳 01:56:15 Aria Walker: Reacted to "Can we have a list o..." with 👆 01:56:22 Cassie Crawford: Replying to "Can we have a list o..." Oh yeah…bluey is a good one too 01:56:24 David Carr: Replying to "I would love to get ..." Using a tool to touch is a whole extra level, which she might be able to grasp, but I think she would probably rather just run off with the stylus instead. Sticking her tongue out probably wouldn't help either as their tongues are not thick and fleshy like a parrot, it would just be another sharp point. 01:56:33 Ash Rose: bye 01:56:35 Amanda Pagay: Thank you!! 01:56:38 Shaina Beil: Thank you!!!!!! 01:56:40 Ash Rose: thank you!